1080p 60 fps streaming from XB1 comes to Windows 10 today

According to Game Informer.

So, check for an update to the Xbox app for those on Win 10.

You know…I wonder if setting up a party through the XBox app on my PC would help me stream party chat on Twitch?

You know…I wish I had friends that invited me to the preview program.

First off sweet that 1080 streaming is avaialble and 2nd to @anon3687162… that some low blow right there. LOL

What is this mystical thing called the preview program? I only wish I could have someone help me out here.

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I’ll try another set of invites, but they didn’t send anything to you the last time I sent them out…it’s like MS knows you guys.

i also just sent invites to lala and Jam. See if they get it. It will show up as a message on your xbox

I wouldn’t mind one either, if you don’t mind.


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I’ve also sent invites to Tex, Jammer, and Lala (AGAIN for Jammer and Lala), so we’ll see if they get anything.


He probably laughs at us while he sits on his high pile of corn stock.

BTW…anyone on the preview program right now (or getting it soon) check the NAT after your update. It threw my XBox into Moderate NAT. Cleared the MAC address info to trigger a restart, and it was Open again.

I have sent jammer and Lala invites also. I don’t think they go out right away.

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Thank you Digital…you are a true friend.

Love that movie

Sweet. Has anyone tried to stream yet? Can I just plug my controller into a USB and everything will work (including headset)? I have the appropriate update on my xbox one I believe so I’m good there.

I have sent you invites twice.