What are you doing today for the 4th (yes we know nothing for @beers_and_leafs and @unobtainaballs ) ? Cooking anything special, blowing shit up, being like @D1G1TALC1PHERS and just gaming?
How do you know what I am doing?
Ah fuck who am I trying to kid. I will be playing The Crew 2 mostly. The Crew 1 if @TEXENT gets the itch to play it.
Mowing grass, grilling some burgers and chicken, and ofc gaming.
Albion Online and I might turn on the Xbox.
Is that Crew 1 or 2 DLC I’m that gif? Sign me up. Looks like an All American edition
What’s today?
Also we aren’t doing a lot. Pool, burgers and dogs, and watching a local show of fireworks. Kids are still a bit young to pop many off on their own, so we won’t buy much
We are having other people that live on campus over later today for some grilling.
Down the shore. Going to hit the beach in my banana hammock, search for great whites in the water. Then BBQ some food on the grill. Finally wrap up the night watching fireworks on the Boardwalk.
(For some reason my phone went full potato auto-adjusting my pics)
The first pic is a Philly thing, the Mummers. It had to suck being in the outfits in the heat. Still fun to watch and listen to.
Wife had a last minute idea for pulled pork, so I just threw a small butt on. Heh
Beer burgers n boobs! Merika!
Keeping out of the rain !!! Looks like an Xbox night. Foul weather sucks on a holiday.
Waiting for people to start to arrive before firing up the grill. Then walking around the corner for fireworks.
Right? So much for pulled pork tonight. Will be good tomorrow though
Murica = BBQ’d Bacon
Happy Birthday America hope everyone is safe and enjoying a midweek holiday.
Bacon Explosion for the win.
The little tailgate grill doing work. We had corn and fries as well with pepper and onions for the sausage.
Is it any good?
No! Duh!