About the PCGamers Group

Added @Immaridel to the PC notifications.

Added @EnyoBellona as a Group Owner. @PCGamers

Added @FetalInjury as they have seen the light.

i could have sworn i was already added. if not could someone add me too

You were not.
You now are.


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Added @iNomaD

@Need_Rounds_Now has been added

Added @Face

Added @reaperking6626

@GuillotineGlock has been added.

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@anna has been added

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added @DoneFlawlessly

@brettarchey was added

added @MATTMX42 and @anon14657975

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added @Mowerguy90

@SplendidKaos and @royal were added

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added @Snowman

added @rigwit

Is everyone added to the STEAM group? I need to go through and add from there to catch up on adds.

I just add about 10-12 from the GRG PC Steam group.

@Hillman added. You’re from NH eh? What part? I’m in Amherst.

@nostoDan is from Manchester. Most New Hampshire peeps would probably guess that just by looking at his name, I know I did! It’s funny, if you google Manchvegas it comes up with Manchester, NH. Even google knows! But then again Google knows everything.