This is not a full deck. These are groups of cards that have a certain synergy to them. If you are interested in adding one of the cards listed in your deck then you might want to consider adding it’s partner card(s). I got all of these card synergy combos from the “Back 4 Blood Cards You Need In Your Build” video published on YouTube by FireSpark81 that I shared in this post
Keep an eye on this post to see it fleshed out.
Glass Cannon (Reflex) and Experienced EMT (Discipline)
Glass Cannon gives you +25% Damage but -30% Health. Ouch! Pair that with an Experienced EMT to get back 20% Maximum Health for the level after you apply a Medical Accessory to yourself. So when you are just about to leave the Safe House at the start of a level, open the door, exit the safe house, have a ridden or a teammate do some damage to you, go back inside and buy a bandage or a bottle of pills and apply it to yourself. You get some of your lost health back for the remainder of the level. You get 25% more damage done, and you can heal your teammates giving them a 20% Maximum Health boost as well. -
Silver Bullets (Discipline) and Bounty Hunter (Fortune)
Silver Bullets reads “+10% Bullet Damage, +150% Bullet Penetration, When you kill a Mutation You Lose 5 Copper.” That could get spendy quick on a Ferocious mutation Corruption Card. Pair that with Bounty Hunter to gain 10 Copper when you kill a Mutation for up to 300 Copper per level. That will give you a net benefit of up to 150 copper by killing 30 Mutations in that level. Keep in mind that if you kill more than 30 Mutations, you will start losing 5 copper per each mutation killed after 30 for that level. -
Adrenaline Fueled (Reflex) and Natural Sprinter (Discipline)
Numb (Brawn) and Face Your Fears (Brawn)
Combat Knife (Discipline) and Battle Lust (Brawn)
Rousing Speech (Reflex) and Medical Professional (Discipline)
Two Is One And One Is None (Brawn) and Admin Reload (Fortune)