New trailer. Looks to be pretty dark of a movie.
Me to. I can’t wait.
@anon42851937 and his undying love for Superman will show in this movie while he boos every time Batman is on screen.
Or, I could just fail to see how a belt with a boomerang can top super powers.
In all seriousness, I can’t decide what I like less - how they seem to portray Superman as letting power go to his head, or how they are portraying Batman as envious over being powerless. Not sure either of these work well for the movie.
But, hey…let’s make everything dark, DC/WB. Ugh.
wow someone is channeling his inner grumpkin. #bitter.
I know it’s based off of TDKR, but I’ve never been a fan of that book. Between portraying Superman as the govt lackey, and Batman being a rip off of Iron Man in the Demon in a Bottle series (unrelated, but shame on Disney for not pursuing that storyline for Iron Man 2 and using The Avengers as the redemption arc), I’ve always felt that Miller did a disservice to both characters.
Plus, Superman being a govt lackey is a complete 180 from how they ended Man of Steel, with Superman destroying the drone that the general was using to track him.
I’m assuming this is the “Dark Knight Returns” fight.
so not a huge fan of the comic book story but this might be good in movie form. little torn on the dark feel though. Its good for Batman but usually ends up being bad for superman.
Bad for superman is great!
Fuck Superman. Over rated boyscout. I hope Batman beats his ass again. Even if it’s Ben Affleck.
Trailer #2
Wait for it…wait for it. Ok story spoiled, they brought out Doomsday. And from the looks of it, its General Zod reincarnated. which is not the same as from the comics, but believable.
Looks pretty good tho. This is first I have seen of it
I bet he’s created from Zods DNA but not really zod
Wait it isn’t @Disneynut68 during one of his rage moments?
I can finally say I like where this is going. Affleck still has an odd gruff voice as Batman, but it’s a lot better than Bale’s gravelly over the top caricature. I still liked the hushed intensity that Keaton used best. But…that’s small. The other odd part is Eisenberg as Luthor. He’s almost like a demented Willy Wonka on crack. It could still work, though. I was just expecting more of the evil genius type of Luthor.
Loved some of the lines. The initial battle finally makes sense, and they’re going to play up that Superman doesn’t want to kill Batman, and that’s how Batman can still go “toe to toe” with him.
I also liked how there’s some humor in the banter, instead of the dark and brooding sense that DC has seemed to bring to everything. The exchange between Superman and Batman at the end when Wonder Woman makes her appearance was great.
i am wondering how Wonder Women even gets brought into this. Does she really just show up outta the blue?
Geez, pretty in depth analysis. I’m all “looks good” and then you drop this.
I watched it last night, and a few times since. I’ve had time to mull it over.
I’m just glad I’m back to looking forward to this movie. The initial teasers and trailers left me cold toward this project.
One more thing: I’m still not sure what’s up with this guard regime that Superman has that kneel to him. Seems off character unless this is some offshoot that Superman has nothing to do with.
Or maybe they’re playing up Superman getting caught up in himself, and Batman getting swept up in vengeance, and the fight is meant to bring each of them back to what they’re supposed to be…
Of course you are wondering if it is off character of Superman since you love him and hate Batman.