Battlefield Hardline worth buying ?

Is the new Battlefield worth spending money on ? After the last two games in the Battlefield series , which sucked so bad , I am a little turned off buy the game .

It is fun when a group is playing. If the last 2 pissed you off this one will too. It is basically the same with the exception that it has less bugs. There are different game modes but we always end up playing conquest after awhile.

yeah if you are playing by yourself dont bother, has to be with friends. This one is faster with smaller maps, so if you felt like the last few BF games were slow, you might like this one.

I thought it was pretty fun. I just had to trade it in as I don’t really have time for many games right now.

It’s fun. I like it. Haven’t played in a bit though. If we can organize a group to play I’m all in. I’ll be around Fri and Sat night.

Only if you can get it on sale. It really is just an expansion pack to BF4.

I enjoy the game as it features smaller maps with less vehicles ( no tanks, jets and what not). It’s kind of like CoD mixed with BF4. Some of the new game types are fun as well. There were no real launch issues with this game, it played fine right out of the gate. We’ll probably be playing this once a week or so until a new FPS comes out.

If you want a truer Battlefield experience, then stick with BF4. They finally sorted that game out and it plays great.

its on sale, $40. and a lot of places will price match that like best buy.

Totally agree about SP. If you are interested in that it is worth picking up when it is highly discounted. It is short but I enjoyed it.