BF4 Night 2/24

I’m looking at running a GRG night of BF4. Let’s see how many squads we can form up. I think we can easily get 2, possibly even a third. I’ll be on around 9 PM EST. Most likely will do vanilla maps to ensure we get as many players as possible.

I need to fire this game up sometime sooner. Go through all the battlepacks that I’ve accumulated and download any updates.

New PC should arrive Tuesday so there’s a very good chance I will be busy with the new rig for a few days. :smiley:

I’ll try and be available .

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Nice. I’ll be on Tuesday. Just shoot me a message if you get on. Let’s fuck shit up.

Sounds good. I do not have the DLC though. You can bet I will have it on the next one.

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XBox one. We won’t play the DLC maps, I know a few don’t have them. Just looking at doing stupid GRG shit on the map.

Count me in.

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Does it have to be well? If so, then now. And don’t even ask about copters.

I can barely shoot straight, much less fly, but still it should be fun.

Give me support in a tank or lav and I’ll wreak havoc and let slip the reapers of war!!!


We are doing this tonight. Not sure of the numbers yet but am hoping for two squads.

Good Times last night Gents. We need to do this more often.
That last game slipped away from us, but almost all of the others were competitive
I had a ton of fun playing with two full squads and a full party.

I had a blast. Took a bit to get used to the game again. It felt really fast which is odd for a BF game. I had to dial down the sensitivity, something I have set real high for CoD and Destiny.

That last game was rough. I know I played like a headless chicken that round. Just couldn’t get anything rolling. We should of unfucked ourselves and played smart.

Next time we need to focus on an objective or two and just hold them. We also need to be better squad mates. Make sure to spawn with each other. Find safe places to spawn into. And call out shit and focus fire vehicles. Just some things we should work on.

Quick question. I know a lot of people are into HC. Do we want to play Core or Hardcore for the next BF night?

I good with either one. HC blueberries tend to PTFO more than Core blueberries

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I prefer core in any game. I always feel as though Hardcore breaks the game a bit. Plus the game is designed for Core and things are balanced for it. Hardcore changes everything. DMRs one shotting people make those guns OP.

That said, I’m not a fan of the enemy targeting thing. That blows sometimes.

It looked like there was a 2XP event going on for four days.

What are we going to plan tonight for Clan Night?

Looks like CoD and Mehstiny.

I’m most likely a big no show for tonight. I have a network upgrade that starts at 6 am tomorrow. That means I have to be up at the ass crack of dawn and that sucks for me. Yes, I’m a big baby.

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We’ll the first step is admitting you have a problem lala…as to core or hc I’m ambivalent, as long as we learn to work as a team… I played like ass the entire night so I’m gonna have to put in some practice time. But it was nice having a full squad working together… Just have to gel.