Can't buy an Xbox console anywhere

My xbox died three weeks ago, just burned up . If anyone knows where I can find a new one let me know. Can’t give Lala shit how Cowboys beat Eagles so bad , having withdrawals

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Damn that sucks, looking for a series x or s? The Xbox ones were discontinued so they may be hard to find a new one

I shouldn’t help a stinking cowgirls fan… But I’m the better person.

Microsoft Xbox Series X Pre-Order & In Stock Tracker -

Make sure to Telegram server (chat app) as it alerts you to when a place has them in stock.

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Lala your not a nice person but thanks anyway. Cowboys rule !!!

One of my gaming buddies found one at his local Target for me the other day. I have been trying to get my hands on one for months. UPS says it will be here today. I can’t wait.