Cities: Skylines

If anyone is interested in city building sims, you may want to check this out. Looks like they’ve built a game around what SimCity didn’t have, based on what I’ve seen on Twitch. Looks pretty good, I’ll be getting this on the 10th.

I will be getting it. Notch (minecraft) got a copy already and said it is better than anticipated.

The twitch streamers I’ve watched have all had good reviews of it.

Sounds pretty cool. I’ll see reviews and then decide. My library is already filling up and I haven’t played have of them yet. LOL. First world problem, I know.

Welcome to pc world. Of the 50 so games I have on steam I have played probably 20 of them.

I’m not quite there yet, but only because I was underwhelmed with the Holiday Sale.

Every time…

So true. I just got a gaming PC and I’m like, oooo this game is on sale (get it), then rinse and repeat. I have games I haven’t even tried yet and I only got my PC a little more than a week now. Haha

That is a way better ratio than I have with Steam sales.

Well, after preordering Skylines on Steam, I saw they had Wasteland 2 down to 19.99. So, we’re back to building up that backlog again.

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Guild Wars 2 75% off this weekend. Here’s my money. Just take it.


Welcome to PC gaming, PeeJ.

Get it!. I’ll start a new to on to level with you.

I will get it. I’m hooked on The Witcher 2 right now. Played that for 3 hours straight last night.