Clan night recap with planet side 2

Servers were down due to an in store purchase bug. About 8pm, a 2gb patch was released and the servers were opened up.
9pm I hopped on. Soon to be joined by Alpha Mack and GingerAssassin. Squad system is a little wonky. The first area is instanced do newbs don’t get overwhelmed by a huge 100v100 battle.
After leveling up a few times we switched to a real continent, war ensued.
Looking at the map we chose bases to take over with least resistance, they direction was south. Everything was going great till 4 tanks came at us. With only 3 of us we couldn’t destroy them. A sniper was overwatching them.
We decided to go north as the purple spandex warriors were within one tile of our home base. We spawned in to drive them back, before we knew it, we were part of a convoy. 5+ tanks, 10+ apcs, and troops over the place getting in the way.
We steamrolled every base without a problem. Took over the whole north side and pushed the vanu back to their home base.
We then saw red coming back up from the south. Off we went.
When we reached a biolab we met opposition. Biolabs are tricky because you have to take Sam elevater to get to them. 100Vs100. Fly up, get killed. After roughly 45 minutes to an hour I noticed we got flanked. All the areas around us were red, we couldn’t take the biolab even if no enemies were there. Worse yet, purple came back and took over northwest.
We moved on and continued the fight a little longer before bed.

A new guy, Icust joined us during the battle, and Sam also. It was a great time and I can’t wait to go back tonight.

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I’ll be there tonight

i also paid $30 for 3 months. lol

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Had fun, it was nice taking a break from quest grinding in ESO. Squads up to 12 people, more people need to play. There’s no excuse, it’s free! We can also create an Outfit (guild, clan, etc).

Faction: New Conglomerate ( NC )
Server: Guadinine (?) *first one, starts with a “G”

Ill end up doing that too i think

so you can have squads of 12, and then the platoon consists of suad leaders… so if i am platoon leader, i would be able to communicate with all the squad leaders… we could have multiple squads… holy shit that would be insane… doubt it’ll happen… but it sure would be cool.