clan wars columbia

Location: Bogota, Columbia

Date: 05/29 03:00 pm to 06/01 03:00 pm
Starts: 1 day, 21 hours, 52 minutes, and 7 seconds

Placing 1st in Gold or Platinum will earn your clan the next piece in the Centurion EXO suit.

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Barbie dress up armor? Sweet.

We will also be doing some raids this weekend too. They have started and we can win XP and Argo armour.

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I dropped our Clan War Roster down to 6-10 players for the last one and we had 10 players. I was planning on leaving it there, but seems we may have more interest. Should I put it back to 11-19? More competitive.

Pretty much a cake walk last time…

I would increase it 11-19, with interest from Lala, Cro, & Yeeps.

That could mean 2 rooms going at same time.

I’m down for it. I’ll have family in town this weekend, so I won’t be able to play a great deal, mostly late night.

maybe get a head count participation first

Never truely reliable though. I’ll move it back to 11 - 19.

I can play friday after work (6 pm pacific) til whenever. Some of saturday, and all of Sunday if necessary. Hit me up if you need one.

We don’t always notice when someone comes online or into COD, so just jump into our party and we will get you in.

Just as long as you’re not crying in our ears the whole time.

We’re in 3rd currently, Platinum division. Uphill climb.

I’ll be on later tonight, got a date with some woodwork and welding.