New trailer for the upcoming Netflix show, Daredevil.
looks pretty sweet. will be checking this out.
Count me in. Looks good.
Vincent D’Onofrio? I’m in. I have a slight man crush on him.
OK, OK… a huge man crush. I’ve missed him ever since Law and Order CI went off the air.
You and mrs kfk.
I don’t get it. He’s disgusting.
If you’re going to have a man crush why not someone like Chris Helmsworth?
or Ron Jeremy
Kraig knows his men. He prays to see Thor’s Waterfall.
Or Marky Mark
I think that costume is DareDevil Year One shit. It’s supposed to evolve as the series goes on.
So far we’ve only seen Matt Murdock wearing a black costume in Marvel’s Daredevil, but the powers-that-be behind the upcoming Netflix series say his traditional red outfit will appear on the show.
“We had to come up with a logic for it,” Marvel CCO Joe Quesada explained to Comics Continuum. “It was a delicate balance, because the stories we’re telling are so real-world. Matt starts out in a homemade outfit that develops slowly. As he starts getting the crap kicked out of him on the streets, he adds padding little by little.”
This is out now. I just watched the first episode and it’s pretty solid.
Just added it to my watch list.
Film a review for us once you’ve watched some of it @h2daddy
I will warn you. I can get a little wordy with my reviews.
We would love an H2 prerecorded Like and Dislike video for the podcast.
Holy Shit, I binge watched the whole fucking season.
Excellent series. The Kingpin was great. The final costume is a bit hookey, all movie/tv show costumes all look the same anymore. It’s nice that they’re not making this a seperate world, they acknowledge the Avengers and the battle in NY. So we may see other superheros with actual powers next season.
Anyway, I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it if you’re into superhereos.
So made it though most of the season. This show is pretty badass. Definitely recommend and will be keep this on my list for next season.
I just recorded my video review but I can’t upload it to Youtube for some reason. Can I email it to someone who can load it for me?
email it to
Nice, I see a new segment for GRG’s Podcast!