Destiny 2 - A reflection of how I feel

This video is a great reflection of how I feel about Destiny right now. Although I usually have a great time playing Destiny 2 with GRG, I feel like I am ready to hang this game up for awhile. There is still much I haven’t completed, but with little incentive to do so, I just don’t have the same motivation I had with Destiny 1.

On the contrary, I still feel I did get mo money’s worth, but I am just not sure I am into it like I used to be.

What do you all think of the video? Do you have the same thoughts?


IMO one of the worse games of the year besides COD WW2 funny how they’re both from Activision


CoD WW2 is great, I’m glad CoD is back to it’s roots.

As far as Destiny 2 goes, I think this still holds true.

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One comment about 2 minutes into the video…he was talking about kill streaks and it take about 12 kills to unlock the paratroopers…then they only earn you about 3 more kills…

Then he went on to say how that’s a bad investment, because let’s say you give someone $12, and only get $3 in return…blah blah blah.

First of all, that’s a terrible analogy… You aren’t “giving away” your 12 kills in order to get 3 free kills. You are simply using the 12 kills as an investment mechanism…because you still keep the 12 kills at the end of the game. If you want to use this analogy, then you invest $12, and get a $3 on top of the $12, for a total of $15. That’s a 25% ROI, which is extremely good!

Obviously this is semantics at this point, so I digress…

So your saying that this is a great kill streak? You busted your ass to get 12 kills which is not easy in this game with the state of the maps, camping and the broken quick scoping, just to get 3 kills. Yeah that’s great!!!

Yeah tbf, though I don’t remember exactly, it was something like 12/15 kills in MW2 to get to Chopper Gunner / AC-130.

I actually like that kill streaks aren’t game changers.


I share a lot of the frustration that most have about D2 and rightfully so but I still haven’t stopped playing it… completely. I put it down for a few days or even a week or two but I end up hopping back on and getting sucked back into something. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of things broken and that piss me off in all aspects of the game and I really hope they figure it out and start making more quality changes.

I still would like to complete the Prestige Raid and the EOW Raid Lair but I also would like a squad to do that with instead of with randoms and that in itself is hard without those die hards who are sticking it out despite the shortcomings that have drove them away.

I am not giving up on Destiny and will just handle it day to day or week to week lol

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I think that’s really how to handle the game. And that’s fine. Fire it up when they release new events, DLCs or just to bang out your weeklies. That’s really how I look at it.


I’ve given up on it for now. For them to take everything they learned for Destiny 1, literally scrap it, then start over…THEN turn around and say, “okay guys…we’re gonna spend the next 6+ months getting Destiny 2 up to snuff with Destiny 1” is just…well sad.

I and many others gave them the benefit of the doubt with the first game because it was their first attempt and they had some learning. But now they aren’t new to this…and they keep screwing the pooch, lying about it, getting caught in the lie, tell us “the pooch screwing mechanic wasn’t working like we planned…so we’re shutting it down. Trust us…we’re listening” then go right back to screwing said pooch, but in a different orifice.

It’s a looter shooter. Give us loot worth shooting stuff for…repeatedly. Stop with the cosmetic nonsense already. We get it. You want our credit cards. No thanks. You got my $100+ for the game and season pass. You aren’t getting dick-all-else from me until you deliver some quality goddamn content. Not some rehashed sparrow racing map garbage and calling it a “planet expansion”. Infinite forest of boredom.

What new weapons/armor are they adding? Oh…its old ass armor you already got. But with a shiny new symbol on it. And wait. Get this. It drops orbs of light if you kill 2 enemies real quick. heavy breathing Woopty-fukkin-dooooo.

I enjoyed the first month or so of the game. But after seeing everything in that short span of time and the “new” content being so lack luster, I would get a refund if I could.


All comments well put…@gatsu…very funny stuff, I think there are 2 ways to look at D2…1. its something you have a character in and when something drops, like DLC you play until you finish said content, or 2. you leave (with or without intention of ever coming back) and when/if Bungie makes D2 the game that was promised and people start saying “wow you need to play this its all different/better” (think division) maybe you come back


I really hope Bungie gets their act together before the player base drops off completely. I honestly really enjoy the franchise despite its MAJOR shortcomings. And I know Bungie can, and has, done better in the past.

I’ll come back to try out the next expansion in the season pass. But I won’t spend any more money on Destiny 2 until Bungie proves itself and gets back to making a great game/product. Not just a rehashed cash grab.

But for now, Capcom has put a more enticing carrot infront of me in Monster Hunter World.


Interesting article, especially when he talks about weapons. This is something I’ve spoken about on the ReaperCast. Removing the Secondary weapon system Destiny 1 had and replacing it with primary and elemental weapons that D2 took away from weapon variety.

The end result is that combat is far less interesting now. You’ll never get to experience that dirty res-snipe or clutch shotgun kill. Over the past few weeks, I’ve returned to Destiny with a friend who has only ever played Destiny 2; he told me that Destiny feels like the sequel to Destiny 2, not the other way around. Both of us agreed that Destiny was way more exciting when you could hit someone with a primary, then mop them up with a shotgun or fusion rifle. It felt better because the combat options were a lot more diverse. With the new system, there’s rarely a reason to try anything special other than a rocket launcher.


It’s like receiving Final Fantasy VII for Christmas in 1997… and then getting an identical PlayStation copy for Christmas every year after that. It was great the first time, but once you have it, what’s the point of another copy?


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