Division XB Beta confirmed for Dec

Well might not be on for community night since Beta starts Wednesday and I only got Wednesday to play it, I will definetly fit some time on Thursday.

Put my Pre-order in and am in the Alpha.

Games top sucks balls. Preordered, but they’re not giving betas.

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I got my code today from pre-order awhile ago. Downloading now

I pre-ordered months ago, but they didn’t have a release date yet. Then I cancelled it and re-pre-ordered again, but neither time were they giving out codes. I don’t want to pre-order through them or their site, I want to do it at the store near me. Sucks.

Huh, I preordered from GameStop about a month ago when I bought CoD, there was a code on my receipt.

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Same…did the pre-order at gamestop…the code was on the bottom half of the receipt.