Embed XBoxDVR videos

GRG worked with XBoxDVR.com to fix an issue with embedding videos from their site. Now GRG members can embed an XBOXdvr.com video on the forums…

BUT there’s a slight trick.

When you select the Embed button it will give you a few lines of code. You copy / paste that to the forums. You’ll need to make a slight correction. You need to change where it says HTTP to HTTPS for the video to work on this site.

<iframe frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen scale="tofit" width="1200" height="680" style="max-width:100%" src="http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Lala%20Calamari/video/43102970/embed"></iframe>

Change this line


To this


Final product should look like this
<iframe frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen scale="tofit" width="1200" height="680" style="max-width:100%" src="https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Lala%20Calamari/video/43102970/embed"></iframe>

And produce this

I realize this may be tough for the GRG taters to understand. Maybe we’ll get lucky and you all will figure this out. Or XBoxdvr.com will sort their shit out.


Works for me. I have been wanting to do this for awhile. I was even using their gif creator to bypass this but now I don’t have to.

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This is an excellent addition.

I wanted this feature. @Grex figured out the problem and I think @anon3687162 Tweeted them asking them to fix their shit.

i tweeted them. That’s how the guy does support. Its one dude that created the site.


It’s a great site. I’m strictly mobile and that’s the only way I can upload Xbox videos to YouTube now, since they disabled the upload feature on the Xbox app. Spamming you guys with videos just became easier.

My fave PUBG kill/assist so far

With @Ripply

also, if you change the height from 680 to 300 you can get rid of all that extra space below the video

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It allows you to pick different sizes. Pick med or small.