ESO PvP Night - Cyrodiil - Regulators, Mount Up!

I’m planning to be there…unless my wife takes me to see black panther tonight

@ESOPlayers Let’s get some work done! Anyone with a level 10 character is welcomed. This is a casual fun event where we feast on the tears of our enemies!

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Wooooo I’ll be in between 8-9

I’ll be in guild chat as early as I can be. I think I might try out my Templar healer tonight… he’s still not 50 yet. Plus I’m dying to cast Elemental storm on a group of enemies.


Make sure to buy some siege. Buy a few dominion ballistas and maybe a stone treb or two. You can set up 2-3 siege items and just hop from one to the other during their cooldowns.

WE NEED TO BUST OPEN DOORS ASAP. As soon as that keep becomes flagged we know we have enemies coming. The sooner we open doors, the sooner we can take that keep.

I’ll do my best to be there tonight!

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I had to take phone call last night starting around 10 so was unable to communicate w group. All I know is every keep we were at the reds were coming in behind and wrecking us. That was pretty frustrating as PvP can be some nights when you are on losing end of the beating.

Checking interest in this event still. @ESOPlayers.

I’ll probably run something else if we don’t get enough players to actually commit.

I will be there this time. Feel like shit. But, I’ll be there. Been a tough set of weeks lately.

I’ll be on for a bit, been doing some work on my warden

I will be on ESO.