I joined the clan when CoD:AW released but I havent played but maybe one game with the clan. Reason: Ive been attempting to find a job and relocate 5 hours away. Many 300 mike drives later and I am here to report success! Whats even better is that it is a dayshift position. So clan nights will be made. Finally.
Add Morden865 on X1 and hit me up, I complete the move Monday and start job Tuesday.
I make the last drive Monday morning. Ive been doing the drive for holidays and job hunting for about a year. In that time Ive used 4 vehicles.
Been in 4 traffic jams. Had 4 flat tires, had a clogged catalytic convertic cause some interesting plumbing to explode, and had a wheel nearly come off at 70+ mph. By the time we got the truck stopped only one out if six studs was left holding the wheel on.