Getting into the GRG Guild

I’ve been on a little bit and am only level 6, but how do I get into the Guild?

No Canadians allowed. We’re racist towards Canadians.

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If it’ll get under Lala’s skin, msg me and I’ll send the invite - will be on later this afternoon.

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I only invite after some ERP in a private chat.

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Seriously, he has to pass the ERP test. MLG ERP or gtfo.

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I need a guild invite as well.

What console and gamer tag?

xbox one, ezekieljp

Sent, check your notifications.

Got it thanks ! So…dumb question, what are the perks/benefits of being in a guild? I dont really have much experience with this type of game.

Guild chat, dungeon runs, soon to be pvp runs and ERP sessions (erotic Role play).

Don’t hold your breath on ERP sessions

So hard to find a good ERP session these days. Anywho, just getting started on eso xbox one.
Gt:The Body Farmer

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I also just picked up the game but won’t be playing till tomorrow. Although I’m a noob I’m no stranger to MMORPGs, shouldn’t take me long to figure out how the important shit works in this game. Are you guys on PS4?

Haven’t really been too active here on the site, but I would like to change that. on PS4, hwtrine68 for the guild.

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Could someone shoot me an invite to the Xbox One guild? GT: BigPapaMenace

Invite sent

Yes, I am the clan inviter, haven’t played TESO for a bit.
@TheRealJabroni will add you to GRG/TESO.

Anyone else who wants to join XB1 side, post GT on this thread.

I might try it again when not on BO3

I’ll add you if @TheRealJabroni hasn’t. Once you two get higher VR ranks @dinokvokun & I can use some help with Craglorn.