Join us for some mayhem on the Battlefield. I’ll start forming up squads around 9PM EST. Lets get our weekly dose of teamwork.
Originally published at:
I’ll be on around 9:00PM EST. Last week we started strong but fell apart later in the night. Let’s try and work smarter this week. Let’s pick objectives to hold. Make sure we spawn with our squad in safe areas (call it if you’re about to spawn).
Core or Hard core-? Nevermind, lala is too big a pussy to play Hardcore- So much for being MLG-
Vikes needs easy mode HC. He can’t shoot for shit. Needs that one shot kill from a pistol.
I actively blow at this game but will play later
I assume this is tonight (Mar, 2)
No, tomorrow. I guess I’ll need to add that in the title. I was testing a new feature I’m our events. It will now auto create a forum post for comments.
Check the events link, it’s for the 3rd.
Big patch out today. Make sure to download it early.
Damn. I wish I could play tonight, but it’s not likely. I can play later in the week and this weekend (Friday night GRG night perhaps???)
Due to unforeseen issues with a certain copy of battlefield 4 ( used by my 2 and 3 year old as a shinny toy to be tossed and bounced of the tile floor) I am unable to attend the mayhem of this fine evening. But fret not there will be a replacement copy. And to those that aided the unforeseen eventers, I know that you aided them because Of your loathing of battlefield. The next copy will be stored in the safe!
End of excuse.
BF action will pick up once Hardline comes out. Next Tuesday, GTA Heists comes out. I’m hoping for the best but if they can’t fix the disconnects, I’ll have to move on.
2 weeks from now we’ll do a hardline night.