GRG Community Night 4/18/18

I’ll be on cod at 9

If you see me online just shoot me a request, would be glad to join.

Will be on FC5 tonight hunting and fishing if any want to join.

Yeah, I mean, surely I can only play better than yesterday.
Can’t tell if everyone else has become better, or I’ve become worse.


I’ll either be raging on D2 or working on my Diablo 3 season character

D2 tonight.

Good Games. We had a ton in Destiny 2 for the Iron Banner. @valiantvictory @APMech12 @Capnsadiq @ixL0N3W0LFxi @Sniper_T1 @Hogarthehuge @ezekielJP @BrambledWhiskey @Rigonn

Then @APMech12, @beers_and_leafs @Jonahuephigam and I had a few rounds of PUBG.

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Hunting, fishing, and story progression in FC5 with @Nanookbjorn . Tried bear hunting from a helo and Even grabbed a boat and did a fishing trip down a few streams. We discovered that one person could cruise the boat while the other had a line casted out.

Then @koldfront_kraig jumped into party and we all chatted while doing story progression.

Looking to try out the ‘arcade’ tomorrow night if any are interested.

I’d be interested.