It’s community night, sign up Feckers! Whatcha playing and on what console?
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i will be playing COD on the bone.
I’ll be “covering” Sexy Grexy’s ass in CoD as well.
I’m a maybe this week, XB1/COD if I do.
CODBoneOne in honor of Hawks return
My friend in calorado wants me to play diablo with him. So i might be playing that. i wouldnt mind some hell divers.
COD it is. I have two games to coach, but should be on before 9.
Either Ghosts or AW
COD AW on the Xbox One . Oh yea , Playstation SUCKS !!!
@Cowboy_Stephen has been wanting to play Helldivers
In honor of Hawk finally finishing the XBone that he’s been whittling out of one of them Texas Longhorn steers, I’ll join in on the CoD: AW asshattery.
I’m a maybe for COD on XB1. Depends on if a tornado sends us to Oz.
CNN keeps saying one touched down but never shows anything. Hope all goes well.
Who are you? Do you even game bro?
I’ll be playing cod on the xbone. @Lala_Calamari private room?
I just left my in laws house before the shit started coming through. Not as bad at home.
Headed home gonna rock Destiny on Ps4.
Is the back the side facing you? Or the under part?
Good games in CoD. Took a few games to get used to the gameplay again. No one made me completely rage but I was sooooo close.
The John Woo match and the HC TDM were my favorite. Too bad you fuckers all don’t auto assign, would of been nice to have even teams.