Guild (Add User name and System when asking for an invite please.)

The guild has been created. I will start sending invites as I see people get on but it probably won’t be till later this evening.

There is Guild voice chat. Can’t wait to try it out.


Is the only way to get into the guild via in-game? If so that kinda sucks. The FPS genre at least does that better by giving you the option of off-game access. I’ll have to jump on early one day to get in if that’s the case.

You just have to have an account/character created from what I can tell. Once that is done we should be able to and you accept whenever you get on.

Ok, account is created as is a toon. I’m lvl3 and in the first area outside rescuing the prophet. You should be able to find me via my GT. too bad you can’t really see toon names, but if you can, mine is Major Neckbeard…

Nice, I went with Peeon Gayjoy

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Love the new Guild message.


On the way home from the lake. Will get ya if no one has.

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Holy crap I got in right away tonight at 8:30 Eastern.

Any chance I can snag a guild invite?

Shoot either me or Digital a XBOX live message to remind us. I just logged off.

I sent it last night. If you didn’t get it let me know.

Can I get an invite for the XBOX One guild? GT: Canic Proxy


Ya i got it. Thanks for the invite! Looking forward to the drunk exploring with you all.


can i get an invite, xbone, GT: RAKIRYU


Whoo. He didn’t say the ERP secret password. He could be a spy.

Oh yeah I need a/s/l

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The jury is still out on this one