Guild Bank Reserved Items

If you deposit items for a certain person post here so as many people know as possible. This will help prevent any items from being taken by mistake. Although it will not prevent it. Trading is a better solution.

Or send to them via the mail option. You can add attachments and send them directly.


That hasn’t worked for me past couple of days. Always tells me user doesn’t exist. Only reason I didn’t list it.

What I’ve found with that error is you need something in both the Title and Body of the email - can’t be blank.

I spent 2 hours on Saturday stacking the guild bank items; Boring as hell but necessary. If someone wants to help, it will free up about 150-200 guild bank spots… You have to take all of the same items out of the guild bank, deposit in your own bank (where it stacks) then put back into the guild bank. If you dont have a lot of free inventory or bank space then dont worry about it, it would take you forever to stack it all. Hopefully they will fix this. Also, lets say you dont want all 175 fish in the guild bank, withdraw it, deposit what you need in your bank, then put the excess back into the guild bank.

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Wikid and I were talking about doing this last night.

I all ready cleaned it up last night. Spent two hours doing it but it’s saved about 200 spots in the bank


Its just gonna be a “chore” until they fix it… Did the guild banks stack in PC version?

@D1G1TALC1PHERS just about to put a lot of crafted cloth into guild bank for you

I put alot of crafted cloth in there for you.

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Y’all are really sweet

Turns out his crafted cloth was all thongs.

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