GW2 Masteries

Upcoming changes in the soon to be released expansion.

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Best game on the planet currently

Nice he is playing the new character too.

Masteries look cool. All based on PvE. Going to be lots of people PvE grinding.

I wonder what WvW changes are coming.

I’ll probably grind out the new expansion PvE with my warrior, he’s better suited for it. My revenant is 80 already but I’ll hold off playing him. I’ll wait for the theorycrafting nerds to come up with a good build.

any news on if they are including a character slot with the expansion. I wont have my rev at 80 right away i think not enough tombs.

I’ve heard they give a slot for GW1 expansions, so maybe.

SPvP, you’ll get all the tomes.

I need to learn how to pvp with my necro.

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