Hardline - $39.99 Best Buy March 29th - April 4th

Those of you cheap fuckers on the fence should take this opportunity to get this game. It’s a fun mix of CoD meets BF4. While it’s not the greatest thing since sliced organic Disney dicks, it is a hell of a lot of fun. And coming from a Grumpkin that only plays GW2, that means a lot.

I didn’t mind paying 60 for it at launch, but for 40 it’s definitely worth the money.

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if anybody recently bought this from best buy, there is a good chance that you can call and they will give you the refund.

I don’t remember the service but i did with with my PC monitor. I had i think 30 days from purchase and if the price went down they would give me the difference.

I bought it yesterday and today started the campaign, maybe when I finish the campaign I’ll try MPLAYER.

I wonder if Amazon would price match it. :rage:

They probably would

Think I will take advantage of the sale and pick this up today.

Can I price match from Amazon if I bought it at launch?

It looks like they only match it for 7 days after shipping.

Eh, I guess it was worth the extra 20 bucks to play it for 2 weeks. Surprised they dropped the price that fast. Wonder if all the new games are going to do this.

best buys price match is 30 days btw

I don’t think Hardline sold anywhere near what they hoped for. Not sure why they thought it would though. BF is the main game, this is just a mod / DLC pack.

$40.00 for it is a good price.

Regardless, I’m having fun with it.

It is fun. Nice break from Destiny. I think this is the highest rank I have ever made it to in BF.

Ok, I went and got the battlefields… Couldn’t pass up the $40 tag coupled with best buy gift cards. They had sunset overdrive for $40 as well, I may go get that another time. Still got way too much money on the gift cards

Sweet! We got our Asian quota back!!!

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That won’t take long. Beat it in 2 days playing casually.

Yeah, finished the first episode and the prologue, but got wrapped up in 2xp COD on the weekend. I’m gonna fi ish it tomorrow on my day off.

It’s more Battlefield trying to be CoD. It’s fast paced and fun. It’s a good deal at $40.00.

last day to get it pricematched if you bought it before the sale. called best buy, took me about 8 minutes to get $20.