Hey all,
I really want to get this loyalty challenge, the one where you do all the heists in order with the same crew.
If any team needs a member hit me up! I’m still too poor still to lead any heists on my own haha.
Hey all,
I really want to get this loyalty challenge, the one where you do all the heists in order with the same crew.
If any team needs a member hit me up! I’m still too poor still to lead any heists on my own haha.
Nolex20 on ps4 btw
I’ve done the first 3 in order, but not with the same crew. its next to impossible to get 4 people on the same schedule. I feel like there is always gonna be that one guy that isnt here. tonight i had one spot that was filled by another buddy. and i think you make more when you are NOT hosting.
hosts have to put up the money to start but also dont get paid for each set up… they only get paid at the end.
Make sure you have @RTuTTle86 @LanceHung @lukimazit and @tremount on your friends list.
yeah this would be nice. If only we had a place to meet up and coordinate when we could be on to do them together…wait a min…LOL
If you see us all on, we’re normally in party chat and in our own private crew GTAO lobby. Feel free to join up on us. We’re normally running heists/missions.