Holy noob fest

So most of you have gamed with me and know my skill level to be average at best so please keep this In mind. So I was playing yesterday and fucking slaying I’m talking 27-6 followed by 22-3 followed by 26-4. So I tell you this if you want boost your kd or win rate hop on and smoke these motherfucking noobs

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Sounds like streak I ran into running Iron Banner. I would jump on but I am on the X1.

Since I completely suck, I consider never playing a match again if I have any success so I can go out on a good note.

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pretty sure he is also.

Shoot, now I have to work a couple of hours and then I will be on. Thought you were on the 360 Hobbs.

Hobbs does suck and owns a XB1. Both are confirmed.