I <3 Hacking

So, last night’s Clan Night was a drunk-fueled hacking event for me on Hardline, helping out @LanceHung, @Audible_Silence, @tremount, @assassin_ginger, @grimdawg83, @Klown4Life, and @RTuTTle86 overcome our adversaries in the heat of battle. If you haven’t given it a try, I definitely suggest it. While it’s not as adrenaline-rushing as shooting the opponent in the face with a shotgun, hacking definitely helped turn the tide of battle on more than a few occasions to help earn us a win.

By the end of the night, my cash had gone from $140K to $365K. I received 18 battlepacks, both a mixture of bronze and silver packs. I went from level 22 to 32, and almost all of my hacking skills are maxed.

As an added perc, I was checking out my stats online this morning and found I am 5th place in Div 1 for Michigan:



Damn. Nice. Need to try hacker.

Been playing around with the Hacker quite a bit too - about to jump into the level 5 hacks. Without a doubt a great way to earn points for leveling. I’m routinely in the top 3 if the match doesn’t end in 5 minutes.

WOOP WOOP this is da police

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365k in your wallet??? I’m luck if I get $50k and I spend it in a flash. LOL! I’m planning on playing tonight and this weekend so I can take advantage of double XP.

as of last night he had over a million, said he was gonna blow it all over the weekend. I gave hacker a try lastnight. usually had the highest score, around 10K, was making about $40K each match of conquest.

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