I wish I had paid more attention to this one...

Dying Light looks like a great little game, I may have to go pick this one up soon.

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I’m a fan of the Dead Island games, this looks more fast paced, it is a maybe for me.

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I plan on picking it up eventually.

It looks good, but the fact they didn’t send out review copies until the day before release has me worried.

That typically is a sign.

Has there ever been a game that’s been reviewed well when the publisher doesn’t send them out until release or right before?

I might pick up, DA done, AW zombies meh, don’t have anything to play currently

I’m interested but I want some reviews before I buy.

I was looking at the achievements/play style. It is very similar to Dead Island, with finding blueprints, crafting, leveling, looting.

I had been so out of it gaming wise I didn’t even know about this one. Did enjoy Dead Island.

I’ll be picking up today. Anyone on X1 let me know see we can co op.

For those of you that picked this up, how are you liking it? Reviews seem pretty mixed so I may rent it this weekend to give it a spin.

I just picked up today, gonna run through it tonight. It’s supposed to be very similar to Dead Island Riptide.

It has the same concept has Dead Island, but additional keys add to the gameplay. The parkour aspect is a little tricky at first b/c jump is mapped to RB bumper but is quickly overcome through repetition.

The night/day cycle prompts you to make haste in your tasks as is seems to always be close to night. You can chose the online option of whether you want the “hunter” to be able to invade your night game (agile, mobile zombie that pounces, controlled by human player) or turn it off. If you kill the hunter your or co op team gets rare loot, double xp.

I haven’t run into any bugs as of yet, this game can be played solo but most fun with 4. There are 3 skill trees of survivor, agility, power. You don’t have to limit yourself to one tree but earn points toward each one by interacting with the environment. The more zombies you kill get points for power, more jumping agility points, survivor points for rescuing survivors, completing side quests.

Side quests are your usual grab and retrieve but with the added aspect of parkcour adds to the difficulty. Most anything can be climbed except trees and powerlines, so far. The lockpicking sequence is almost identical to Fallout. It’s slow going at low level but I can see how it will start to speed up as a higher player, it’s a fun game so far.

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