Just Cause 3 Collectors Edition

This is a pretty cool CE. $110 seems a little cheaper than the usual $140+. I really like the Grappling hook.

Square Enix has revealed what will be included in the Just Cause 3 Collector’s Edition. The main feature of the Collector’s Edition will be a 15-inch display version of Rico’s grappling hook which was voted for by the fans. This edition is available for pre-order now for $110 / £80.

Damian Garcia, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Square Enix, said “we wanted to give fans a Collector’s Edition that speaks to their breed of fun… Out of all the items we offered, the grappling hook was by far the most popular.”

In addition to a copy of the game and the grappling hook, the Collector’s Edition also includes the Weaponized Vehicle Pack in-game content, a 24-inch by 24-inch poster of Medici, and a 32 page hardcover art book.

Just Cause 3 will be available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on December 1.

I hadn’t seen that yet. Played a lot of the first two. It was always a great game to jump in and just run around and have a blast in.