Kefray's introduction

Greetings, fellow gamers

I was lurking on the Division’s subreddits the other day and GRG’s post caught my attention, so here I am!
Long story short, I’m 28, started gaming casually somewhat late (Diablo era), but it’s definitely one of my main hobbies in the last 5 years or so. These days I play DayZ(PC), Destiny(PS4), Witcher3(PC) and Killing Floor2(PC). The next big title I wanna jump in is The Division (Probably on PC).
I work in telecomms, have a bachelor in Philosophy and grew up in a Canadian french speaking household. So yeah I’ll sound weird on TS hehe. Scotch and beer are my go-to drinks! My PSN/Steam/prettymuchanythingelse is Kefray

Anyways. Looking forward to play with you guys!

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Welcome to GRG!

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Welcome to Hell (8th or 9th circle I believe)

Welcome to the dark zone.

Welcome to the group.

welcome tot he community

