Legendary gift from SH...

Ghosts was the best in franchise, Disney will agree with me here.

Disappointing news of no noob tube for BO3 but (behind Ghosts) next best game series from COD

Worst was the one right before BO2, MW3 maybe?

It will be an epic face-melt, in a good way.

Yes I agree with you Disney.

MW3 was a balanced version of MW2. Maps were weak but the gameplay was solid. Also, fuck Treyarch and their horse shit lag compensating shit netcode. Blops 1 and 2 sucked out loud with that issue. Every time I got shot around a corner I wanted to kick a puppy.

Ghosts was meh, AW is garbage. Blops 3 looks like Titanfall without titans.

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I agree with LaLa, Ghosts was the best.

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Ghost was a pile of shit . COD AW is better then MW3 .

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Wrong, try again.

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I was really hoping for a slower paced CoD. And back in WW2 or Vietnam.


I have no trouble playing COD AW .

I have no trouble playing TESO, which is better than Ghosts.


But not as good as GW2.

You`re all wrong.

MW3 was the worst one, then Ghosts. AW is good. I put BLOPS 2 ahead of it, but not by much. And I don`t think BLOPS 3 is gonna be that much better then AW either.

It’s way past time for them to reinvent the game. Pull a MW1 and bring us something new.

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I’ll most likely get BO3 in hopes that Sticks and Stones returns. That’s a Clan Night classic game.

also will get BO3 b/c it works well with clan/community night, plus my K/D has steadily risen since Black ops 1.-- .69 to 1.11, ready to go pro now

Disney always tells me he is most concerned with K/D