Let's talk about the ReaperCast (SERIOUS DISCUSSION ONLY)

Ok so lets move past the audio with video clips. That is something we were already tossing around.

Does anyone else have any ideas, time to volunteer, video editing skills, topic ideas or what you would like to see on the show?

GRG where are you? We could use your input. The lack of responses make me feel like we do this show for a small minority of our community.


Does anyone care about the Video portion of the ReaperCast? Losing that would alleviate a major issue we have which is SKYPE sucks. Itā€™s our main headache.

That said, I see the value of the video as it puts a face to people we all game with.

IMO thatā€™s the only benefit, minus possibly adding gameplay clips and the like

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I guess I thought Adults views on gaming was niche enough.

I have enjoyed the Reapercast over the last year and I have been on twice. As a new member, one of the best things about having the podcast was putting faces to all the new voices I was playing with every night. I would make time during the week, if I was unable to watch live to take a look and see who was on. Its a lot of work and I hope we can figure a way to keep it going.

The gameplay videos were fun to see, and the highlight reel we did a couple of times was pretty neat.
I do not have any skills in the area, but i had fun using the limited tools on the xbox to do my videos.
With a new pc set up, I plan on looking more into the video capture and editing. If i get any of it figured out, I would be happy to help in any limited way I could.

I think the Reapercast seems to have been aimed at its fellow GRG members and goes a long way with making this community feel a little more familiar and welcoming when you have a face to go with the voices and the forum posts you read. I would hate to see it go. Audio and video both have positives and I would be happy to watch or listen.

Roundtable Episodes: I think these are a great thing. They donā€™t have to be standalone casts either. There are a million places that everyone seeā€™s and reads the gaming news, but a devoted discussion by a group of fellow GRG members that you will be playing the game with is a great way to hear about the upcoming releases. I will watch and read plenty about the upcoming releases, but would always enjoy hearing what you guys think. We will talk about it on the forums, but a live discussion is always more fun.

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I am coming up on 1 yr in GRG and I joined just after the Reapercast started. I always saw it as a great tool for new members and recruiting. I watched the first couple before I joined (not sure what that says about myself) but I thought is was great for reaching out to GRG members and getting them involved. Whether that was the new member spotlight, getting to know the staff, promoting chat, and talking about the forums. I only see it as a lost opportunity for growth if it were to go away. If the goal is finding ways to grow the community, I think we need to find a way to make it work.
It is a lot of work, but as the community grows I hope we can try to find more people willing to help. Thats asking a lot of members, but isnā€™t that what this is all about. The forums, the chat, the cast, ways for members to interact in different ways.

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I am bringing this up again as I donā€™t want this to get lost. If we had a forum post where everyone would list things they want to hear us banter about I think it would be a huge addition. Part of the work in general is thinking about topics each week.

For those of you interested in it continuing, would you be willing to help out in that regard?

Yes, just call Lala on his cell. He likes sexts too, so I hear

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Round table discussion for games is a plus.

I think more physical humor would gain more viewers, 3 Stooges type stuff.

Condensing show to 30-45 mins is good idea

Ive got thousands of great topic ideas available at request.

I had some time at work yesterday and finally checked out the YouTube page. The hilight reels were great to see. If youā€™re going to incorporate both video and gameplay clips into the ReaperCast, youā€™re looking at a fair amount of editing, not to mention the amount of time to sort through the videos submitted for use. If youā€™re doing once per month, this may be feaseable, otherwise itā€™ll end up being a full time gig. Iā€™ve done this with a couple of my old bandā€™s over the years and you donā€™t realize the workload until youā€™re sitting in front the mountain with a short time frame. It stops being fun and ends up being a burden.

As for topics, do a forum post. See what keeps bringing people back to the site and what they want to see more of. Grab the best, or most mentioned ideas and run with it.

I would really like more feedback from the community. First, topics can help us keep this show geared for what our niche really is - the older gamer who has jobs, families, and other responsibilities. And looking at the fact that the average gamer age is now in the mid 30s or older, Iā€™m not sure we can even say thatā€™s niche. Our target is the Atari/NES generation. Even though weā€™re getting topics from our community, itā€™s still representing the older gamer in general.

If we keep the focus on how this news affects the older gamer, it also serves GRG. So, GRG, tell us what you want us to talk about!


That is why we no longer do it. The biggest headache was getting clips, then the editing was left to Lala or myself and we already have a full plate. As far as video goes for the future it would basically need to be a replay of someoneā€™s stream that lasted at least an hour. There is no way we could do clips. Editing an hours worth of 20 to 30 sec clips would be a nightmare and no one is willing to take on that task.

I like this idea and we should at least start one ASAP. Could not hurt.

I feel teh goal of the show should be about the community for the community. We defintely want to get teh community input as much as we can.

There are a couple of ways we could do this on the Xbox side. I think we can set the DVR record settings for up to one hour if itā€™s snapped. I had a similar conversation with @AmuseKus about this and learned a little bit. Or thereā€™s always the Twitch option. I havenā€™t used it much, but do you know if we can DL the saved video from there? Just set up either one on community nightā€™s and there will plenty of media. PC should have similar and easy to use software for this as well. Leave it to GRG to edit their own clips up to one hour or more and submit for use.

Iā€™'ve said iā€™d gladly come back on the show just need notice a week ahead cause I work third shift so my schedule. I enjoy the audio version on iTunes cause I can listen at my desk or earbud at work. and you are more than welcomed to use any of my footage or even my music that iā€™m working on. let me know and I can try to get more footage already edited down to the good stuff and submit it through google. I believe @D1G1TALC1PHERS still has me on there. I like the fact that the reapercast talks about different games as a topic I like hearing everyones opinions on a game so I can know if I want to waste my money on it. plus the chemistry of the show is great the humor is great and it really set a tone for how the community is. iā€™ll chip in with some topic ideas and what I can


GRG staff have been talking this over for a while now. We still have a few people that enjoy doing the ReaperCast (myself included) and decided weā€™ll be continuing it. I think itā€™s a good way to get GRG members involved and get to know each other (Member spotlight, rotating guests). I also think itā€™s could be a valuable recruiting tool.

That said, we will be making some changes. Most notably will be the transition to Audible only (MP3, iTunes, Google podcasts). The audible podcasts is so much more popular than the videos ( I canā€™t believe people donā€™t like staring at my beautiful face) and SKYPE SUCKS BALLS. Seriously, recording the video over Skype is are single most frustrating problem we face with The ReaperCast. I completely lost my shit last show when it dumped out on us. Finally, itā€™s to really give @D1G1TALC1PHERS a break. Heā€™s been involved in over 30 straight shows. Let him take a break and come back as a guest when he wants.

The audible only Podcast is just a test for the summer. I figure weā€™ll all be so busy that this will make things a hell of a lot easier. I am bummed about the lack of video and hope to pursue that in the future if we can find a decent alternative to Skype (Discord is rumored to be releasing video chat soon). Maybe we pick it back up in the fall. Weā€™ll see.

As for GRG Member involvement. I really want the ReaperCast to be about us and our opinions on games and gaming within an ā€œadultā€ community. Thatā€™s our goal and one of the reasons I pushed towards a rotating cast. I like mixing it up and getting new people on. I like people to return as guest. But I need volunteers. LET ME KNOW if youā€™re interested and weā€™ll get you on. (@quantumklutz any time you want bud!). Seriously, this is for the community.

Ok, enough Hippie love kumbaya crap from me. Feck you all. Help us out or Iā€™ll force you to listen to @gunny and @Bigfish drunkenly ramble for hours on end.


As long as just using my phone works as a mic I am okay with on the show at least once.

Ratings gold, right there!

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Well, I am incredibly late to this party.

Didnā€™t have home internet for just over two weeks (moved house) so catching up now.

Juuuust going to chip in and say:

  • I agree with audio only, I think it is worth the time saved
  • I do think you should continue with the Reapercast and uploading it somewhere so it isnā€™t only available live
  • If the main benefit of video was putting names-faces then why not do something incredibly cheesy like have a Photos page on the site or include a second image on each profile? I say second cos I imagine most people prefer having their forum image as something else

Big thanks to everyone who has spent time on all the Reapercasts to date, especially those who had to tinker with the tech support, uploading, editing, et cetera.


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Past episodes were always uploaded to YouTube, iTunes, Google Podcasts and you could add our RSS feed into a podcast app to automatically download (ie Pocketcast for phones).

It will always be technically ā€œliveā€ because FUUUUCKKKKK editing. I did that a few times. The last time to increase a low volume issue. Took 2 and a half hours. What made it so tough was Digital came in loud and booming, so I had to increase everything but him. Plus, Iā€™m learning on the fly. We may do minor edits but thatā€™s about it.

Iā€™d like to see video return at some point. Fucking Skype kills us. What truly sucks was it was flawless last show (too bad we werenā€™t).

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