Modern Warfare Crossplay night 11/21/19

Image result for modern warfare crossplay

Alright its time for a Modern Warfare Crossplay Night so lets get together and run public matches. Sign up so i know who to look for and have an idea of how many groups we will need to run. Everyone is invited whether you’re PC, Xbox or PS4 sign up and lets shoot some people. Check the forums for the Activision account names to get others added as well.

Originally published at:

@PCGamers @PlayStationPlayers @codplayers

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I might be able to make this!


That would be awesome

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Activision ID - Wud
Battlenet - WudLegerity#1849
Xbox - Wud Legerity (theres a space on the Xbox gamer tag between Words)

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I’m in

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Count me in.

Xbox gamertag - God6032
Activision ID - God#4165180

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Count me out.

Xbox gamertag - Claude505


xbox IIx SALT xII

Activision battlenet steam ps all IIxSALTxII no one else allowed the spaces between the S and T
Im sure I posted it wrong before I cant keep track

Xbox - RuttedClown

Act. ID - GhostKing1

I’m like 99 percent sure that my Act. ID is what is posted above. Also, if anyone is unsure who is Ghostking1 is, don’t be afraid to ask me.

So we had a decent night of cross play but had some issues unfortunately. In all though it was fun thanks again @SoInZane @WudLegerity @forgiv @LudwigVonTokkenTakke and Sk3r for joining in on the fun. We also had a friend of forgivs that joined so all in all cant wait for the next one

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Absolutely… good games and good kills!

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We also did some custom 4 player custom games and had a lot of fun with that as well

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