Movies & TV Trailer Thread: Part Deux

freaking CBS. they really want to hold on to the trekkie fans

Screw CBS!

(edit) Thought this was a trailer for a movie or cartoon. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s a trailer for an upcoming comic. Iā€™m disappointed as it looked like it would be a cool movie.

Damn you. Was just coming to post this

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Awesome! Totally gonna watch for nestalgia sake. Hope they donā€™t ruin it. Dark crystal was a fond childhood memory going to to see it with my uncle. Would watch with him if he were still here!

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I have it on my Plex server and am still trying to get the girl to watch. This may be the trigger.

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Finally we get the movie weā€™ve been promisedā€¦

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Did not like trailer. Am I bad?

Damn, that was fast. The first episode was just released.

I just watched the first episode and thought it was pretty good. Execs wanting it to be more teeny like the CW shows are crazy. I liked the aspect of it. It was darker than Titans and not as off as Doom Patrol, I did think that they did a good job with it, shame to see it cancelled.

Looks like its due to a accounting error.

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Were the other two seasons good?