Mr. Roger's warned me about places like this... [PS4]


My name is Derrick and I’m originally from the pride of the Southland, Tennessee. I’ve been stationed in the U.K. For the last three years so it’s kind of difficult to play with people that speak “correct english”… When it comes to gaming I play alot of Battlefield and most recently I’ve become hooked on ESO. My PSN and Steam tags are both: EmFaMe so feel free to add me.

If there’s anything I can do to help out around here let me know, I look forward to meeting all you fuckers.


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Welcome. Pip pip, cheerio and all that other crap.

Welcome to the clan!

Welcome to the Clan!

Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to GRG brosef, ABK2WICKED is my psn

Welcome to the community. Psn is audible__silence (two underscores). Plenty of players on teso.

Welcome! PSN: DAKLOWN4LIFE. I am probably the only PS4 person still playing BF4 so some company would be welcome

Welcome! PSN - AlphaMack. We’re running Aldameri Dominion in TESO, and normally have a decent group each night. Feel free to add and join in chat


My body is ready.


Mr. Rogers is the least of you worries , be more worried about Mr. Tuttle and his magic lotion . Welcome to the clan .

Welcome to GRG.