A sequel to last year’s Need for Speed movie staring Aaron Paul is in the works, Electronic Arts has announced.
According to Variety, EA is partnering with China Movie Channel Program Center, Jiaflix Enterprises, and 1905 Pictures to produce a followup film set in China.
“We are excited to work with EA, one of the world’s most recognized creative companies,” China Movie Channel Yin Cao said. “We are also delighted that much of ‘Need for Speed 2’ would be filmed in China, and we believe it will include much more Chinese talent and elements.”
It’s no surprise that EA is looking to set the sequel in China, as the 2014 film performed incredibly well in the region, raking in approximately $65 million. There’s no word on the film’s casting just yet, so Aaron Paul fans will have to wait until EA is ready to release more information.
Seriously…? i didnt see the first but i would never imagine a sequel… unless its like a china only movie… direct to dvd no star power thing.