New Dev Diary

For many, the best part of the new generation of consoles is the arrival of true MMO gaming that was previously reserved for computers. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is a hit on PC and hopes to capture the Console crowd too. This new video demonstrates how deep the game’s freedom of choice goes when you’re exploring all Tamriel has to offer.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited arrives on June 9th.


Was the faction choice decided to be Dominion?


I can’t wait for this

I was hooked on Syrim for a very long time.

If I do buy this this I might as well kiss Destiny goodbye.

I get fixated on a game and lose interest in playing anything else.

Kavemen can’t multi-task.


You are one of the only few adult gamers that I have seen without always needing the next shiny thing. I envy you sir.

Me like banging your mom. Club her on head and drag her into cave for snu snu.

Lala’s mom doesn’t need clubbed on head. She head for snu snu on her own.