New Person

Hey Everyone - I’m excited to start playing with a consistant group of people and hopefully some good banter to boot. I’m 28, married with 1 kid and another due in a month. I travel a ton for work but take my xbox with me everywhere. I play mostly nights. Thanks for inviting me to join! GT: Ular00p


Welcome to the clan.

Welcome. FR sent

Welcome aboard.

Welcome to the clan, Friend invite sent!

Welcome to the Asylum. Fr sent.

Welcome to the clan. I just joined this week and was in on the clan night last night, these guys are a blast to play cod with you should have good fun when you are on xbl with the clan.

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Welcome to GRG! FR sent!

FR Sent.

Welcome to the clan !!! ( you just don’t know what you have got yourself into ) . Be prepared for lots of team killing because it will happen … A lot !!! LOL !!!

Welcome to the circus! FR sent.