Hey, what’s up guys. Anyone playing Advanced Warfare this weekend?
I guess a little more about me… I’m a 36 year olld support manager for a software company in NJ. I’m married and have an 11 year old stepdaughter, and 14 and 16 year old sons from a previous marriage. I’m usually on PS4 during the weekends, some weeknigts when I can. I’ve played every CoD since World at War (I think thats the first one I played anyway) and have never bothered to join a clan. Frankly I didn’t have the time or desire to deal with a bunch of kids whose worlds revolve around their game consoles. I stumbled across this 25+ clan on Reddit and maybe this is just what I was looking for. If anyone is up for some Advanced Warfare this weekend, hit me up on PSN. My PSN is the same as my ID here. Looking forward to gaming with you guys…
Thaks for the welcome everyone. I’m taking my stepdaughter to get her hair dyed in about 15 minutes but will be online playing after we get back if anyone else wants to join up.
I need to do some reading to see what’s coming out in the next few months, then I can get back to you on what games I’m looking forward to. Black Ops 3 obviously but not sure what else is on the horizon.
Hello ps4 guy. I’m a ps4 guy too. Currently playing…not much actually. I’ll be back on more when it gets cold again. Spend most evenings outside with a fire and beer.