New to the crew! Ready for some planetside 2 shenanigans.

*passes fat spliff
New member here! Looking to get dirty in some planetside 2 on ps4. I play either at midnight or early afternoon Est…
Psn: CxKingxTruth

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Welcome aboard.

What’s a spliff? :fire: :smirk: :cookie: :fries: :beer: :pizza:

Oh yea. Welcome to the group.

no splif need brownies.

Welcome to the clan.

Welcome to GRG!

Welcome! PSN:Daklown4life

Welcome to the party pal.
Psn audible__silence
I’ll be on tonight.

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Anyone on?

yeah, playing rocket leaguye for a little longer… was on earlier for the first alert. nobody on my list is playing now except WarWagen