Paris, France Clan Wars May 1st

Location: Paris, France

Date: 05/01 03:00 pm to 05/04 03:00 pm
Starts: 3 days, 23 hours, 37 minutes, and 50 seconds

Placing 1st in Gold or Platinum will earn your clan the next piece in the Centurion EXO suit.

I should be able to help out Friday.

Not sure, but they’ll continue until BLOPS 3 comes out.

i dont think it’ll ever stop, ghosts was still having matches when AW was about to release. don’t see why they would stop. im sure they see a spike in activity, kinda like destiny with the iron banner.

Friday night until I need to sleep

I am off all weekend but am taking my little one to her first circus on Friday night. Lets get the PS4 crew to represent!! We could be cheap and play only on the new maps

I need to know what to set the limit to for amount of players.

I’d set it low for right now(prob 6-9 if thats a thing) until we hear from who is ACTUALLY gonna play all weekend. I’m sure it will definately be me, Dirty, Alli, Cowboy, hopefully @RTuTTle86, and maybe yourself, with a couple spots open for the new guys

PS: I jumped on the other day for 2XP and am rusty as shit!

I hate this new clan system more and more each time. when do they lock it??? fuckers. supposed to be around 2 i think… was locked all day. sooo… RALLY UP

if i have time this weekend ill try to jump on.

I’ll be on later till I can no longer hold a controller

PS4 Clan war still has 9 slots left open. we are in second. It’s not too late to contribute.

Well, I hope the PS4 crew had better luck.

We were out of contention by 6pm Friday basically. When I looked at 3:30 Friday, we were already down by 30 points and in third. It seemed the whole weekend like three other clans were pulling allnighters. Everytime we seemed to gain on them, they blasted out a bunch of wins and squashed our hopes.

There were no Hardcore nodes except TDM. Core Dom where you get at least 10 Bombing runs and 10 system hacks on you was stupid, rage meter was very high.