Playstation tv

Just a question for the PS4 users. Have any of you used the playstation TV? How reliable is it?

depends what you want to use it for. I’ve heard/read that it has more lag than using remote play on Vita, and a lot of the good vita games don’t work with it.

here is a list of Vita games with a column to let you know if it will work with PSTV.

I was going to get it instead of a Vita cuz i want to play the Vita games but would rather be on TV than on a handheld, but when i read that a lot of the games don’t work, i bailed on the idea.

I don’t care about the vita, my only concern I spaying PS4 on my TV with the PS4 in my son’s room.

yeah, i’ve read the lag is pretty bad. no personal experience.

I understand you can play your ps4 games in another tv in your house. That is a cool feature

It’s not bad on my home network, but I’ve read that the option “Use WiFi in Power Save Mode” isn’t written right, and does the opposite of what the setting name suggests. So, basically, you have to uncheck that option to get it to keep Wifi on consistently.

Here’s an explanation from [a thread on Reddit:][1]

To explain the poorly worded Use Wi-Fi In Power Save Mode:

This setting allows the Wi-Fi to be put in a “Power Save Mode”. This essentially means that it uses less power when it is on, and it turns itself off when it isn’t being used (when the Vita is put into standby or sleep mode). Having this ticked means that the Wi-Fi is put into a lower power state, which can affect antenna strength and therefore download speeds. Unticking this means that the Wi-Fi is run at full power, even when in sleep mode.

A better phrasing of this setting might be Put Wi-Fi in Power Save Mode or more descriptive, Turn Wi-Fi Off When Not In Use

I’m going to be testing it more on my system now that MLB 15 is out.

Thanks. Yeah MLB is the main reason I am looking at son got it, but I feel bad kicking him out of his room when he just wants to sleep for school.

hm, i dunno how important lag is in MLB the show. it might not be a big deal.

The main place I see lag causing problems is watching the pitch when batting.