Poll: Are you buying BF: Hardline?

So we all got the chance to play Hardline. I’m trying to get an idea if GRG has any interest in this game.

Are you planning to buy BF: Hardline?

  • Yes, BF are so teamwork oriented I must buy! Gunny is a whore!

  • No, I have no interest

  • Maybe, I’m a pussy and may succumb to peer pressure.

Maybe… Most likely, but you fools are geezers and go to sleep early.

Yes… Though my wife will exile me to the couch for months. ( she loaths battlefield and my complete obsession with it) it will be mine… I just hope the game is better than the beta.

I most likely will buy this. There’s shit coming out that I’d play so I may as well get this. Count me as a yes now.

I’m a maybe as well. If enough people here get it (for xb1) I will. If not I’ll get it for PC.

Definitely getting it.