I’m trying to figure out WTF to do for clan night. Let’s see what you feckers want to play.
- Destiny PvE (raid / strike)
- Destiny Iron Banner (PvP)
- CoD AW
- GTA:V GRG fuck around night
- None of the above.
Let’s hear what you all want to do. I’m pretty much set to cancel Clan Nights based off past interest levels. I really need people dedicated to running a room and spamming invites.
I think I’m up for some GTA:V Fuckery but could just as easily be swayed into playing Destiny Iron Banner.
If we do GTA:V, we have to do Snipers Vs Stunters.
Damn, wish I could play tonight but can’t. Busy week so I probably won’t be gaming much until next week. Might have some time Saturday morning and afternoon, we’ll see. Have fun tonight.
@Agent_Orange00 I think we can and should set up a BF4 night. Tonight we’ll be focusing on GTA and Destiny. I’m trying to get the most GRG members into a room.
But I’d really like to get a BF4 night going. I’m sure we could muster up a few squads. What night works for you? I’ll pimp a night.
I put in my vote, but it doesn’t matter I’ll play whatever. But, I have to get off by 9:50 to go pick up my daughter so, I will only be able to be on for a bit.
@anon36214017 I’d help you but fuck off, I help no one.
At 25 he can run through the regular mode on VoG. Or at least Sherpa’d through it.
And Rabb, you should do the VoG raid. It’s a good time. It’s put together really well.
My favorite part of the game is the VOG normal. Committed to Iron Banner this week. Shoot an invite anyway though, may need a break from the endless beatings.