Rainbow 6 Siege Delayed! Surprise Surprise!

Closed Beta Still is still supposed to happen 9-24-15 though

yep, this was put into another post but should have its own thread…

This game is dead now. horrible decision. you already have Just Cause and Hitman Dec 8th. COD and SW:BF some out the month before, along with fallout, Need for Speed, and Tomb Raider. Thats just AAA titles… by the time this comes out, the kids are gonna have their money spent, the parents will have their shoping lists done for xmas, and everyone else will be too busy playing everything else.

should have done a batman and pushed it

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That’s too bad but I’m honestly not too too bummed. Only because there are so many games that I want coming this fall that I wouldn’t mind this one to be pushed out a bit. I do think this game is going to be great, and awesome clan game.

Dont forget the Haloz as well.

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I think it’s odd they said December. At this point I’d wait a bit longer and push it to early spring. When there’s really nothing else out there.

I’m ready for some GRG Haloz nights.