Hello to all. I found you guys on /rocketleaguefriends and decided to give you a try. I have been playing a lot of rocket league lately but I also get down on GTA:V and sometimes Battlefield. I really enjoy mobbin around Los Santos and offroading up north.
My PSN is Schaeferwafer and go ahead and friend request me if you want to hit balls with rocket powered cars or mess around in GTA.
Ill see ya out there.
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Welcome to the Clan! PSN: DaKlown4Life
ps: watch out for @RTuTTle86. He will try to ERP with you lol
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Welcome to the group. I’m the communities Playstation leader. if you have any questions feel free to ask. You’ll see me on rocket league when im not playing Planet Side 2.
hmm… GTA… we should prolly have a GTA night soon. been awhile… gotta check out the new vehicles.
PSN: Audible__Silence
I’m always down for some offroading or base jumping and the new brawler is a fun car to mess around in.
Welcome, see you in RocketLeague.
PSN: Olz_3
I’m megatron and you’re starscream, always trying to usurp me.
Welcome, was fun playing some RL with you last night.