Shortbus Intro

Hey Guys finally figured out the new site. Was a relative new convert to GRG but played with the core group prior to the split. I have been gaming since the Intellivision days through to Clancy Games on the PC, Dream cast and just broke into the Xbox world in the last 5 years.

Live in AZ
Product Manager in Software Industry
Married, no kids yet but one dog who likes beer

I love to cook, but focus on BBQ. I just recently upgraded to the XB1. Big fan of sports games, FPS and look forward to catching you guys on line.

BTW - Disney Sucks!

XBL: azshortbus35

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Not only does Disney suck but so does Garth Brooks!

Almost forgot John Cena, he sucks as well.

Tony Romo, John Cena and Garth Brooks can all choke on a dick and DIAF.


Would these be freshly harvested dicks from the “Dick Garden”? If I was to ever Eat a Dick organic cage free seems like the most humanely raised.

TOS Violation!