So a friend of mine told me he got an xbone for $20… of course i asked how. He said another friend showed him at first i was thinking no way he just got lucky, but the tactic is entirely different than what i was thinking. He said that ppl always go to the sites and bet the big items, TVs, laptops, that stuff. What people don’t pay attention to are the gift cards. So he was buying $25 gamestop gift cards for a few bucks a piece. he was winning $25 gift cards for $1.75, $1.50… i would think the whole story was bullshit if i didnt know the guy. He said he walked into gamestop with a pile of giftcards and saw there while they were all scanned into the computer, then bought the xbox with the credit. crazy…
I went to quibids to check it out, there were no gamestop GCs for auction, but i did see a cabelas GC. watched the auction. it ended as $1.25 or someething, total price was $5 and change for fees and junk. still… $5 for a $25 gift card??? think im gonna make an account and try it out. bid on gas cards and stuff. see how it goes. anybody else ever hear of this tactic?
That is interesting. I thought about Quibids but never really looked into it. I didn’t know if it was a pay site for members or pay on bids won. And how much do you pay on bids won would be the case. If it’s crazy cheap, then I’d look into it. Could always use stuff for cheap.
its penny bids, you also have to pay evertime you bid. so even tho an item sells for $2 it could cost more like $7-$8… thats why the big money stuff wont save you much… bids keep get driven up. but these gift cards… seems interesting.
yeah you buy bid packs. For example 5$ buys you the ability to bid 20 times. That is separate of the actual bid price of the item listed.
The theory is this is supposed to only allow for serious bidders and not just to drive up the price. But since it costs money to just bid on an object everyone waits till the last min so you dot use up your bids.
thought it was a scam at first as well, seemed shady but it is legit just not sure about the value.