Super quick first impression

so I am a member of ea access so I have 10 hours of early gameplay on hardline. Last night I played tdm for about a hour and I have to say while I still completely blow at battlefield it was a really good time. I have to imagine that it’s a hell of a lot more fun to play with a squad so I hope some of you fuckers pick this up on Tuesday. Let me know if your on ea access so we can squad up this weekend.


Will have it Tuesday and plan to be on that evening. Note - haven’t played a BF game in several iterations, so anyone who gets stuck with me in their squad…sorry for you! :wink:

Do you find it confusing at all?

I will have it on Tuesday, and probably be on that night. Hopefully, some of you guys can drive well, because I found I couldn’t drive a vehicle worth a damn in the beta.

I played for an hour earlier and it was playing really well. Could be that the servers are not taxed and all that but my first hour was an enjoyable experience. I’m on XboxOne so if anyone has early access give me a should and we’ll squad up.

Blood money is a fun game mode.

In Blood Money, players attempt to take money from a central “money pile” or, alternatively, break into the opposing team’s vault and take the money located inside back to their own base, similar to Capture the Flag.

I’ve been playing a lot of Hotwire the past few days. I find it to be quite a blast. I’m a terrible driver, but I am quite handy with the repair torch!